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Easter Lilies Grown locally in Georgetown Massachusetts

Easter Lilies are here!

Back during the cold New England winter months, we were thinking ahead to spring and warmer weather while planting spring flowers.  Our Easter Lilies are lovingly planted right here in our Georgetown greenhouses and diligently cared for right up to the day you pick them up from us!

Check out the video below – it shows the progression in our greenhouses during the entire growing season.

Caring for your Easter Lily:

Step 1: We recommend removing the anthers. The anthers are the tall stems that grow from the center of the bloom. Removing them can prolong the life of the flower and also prevents the pollen from staining the bright white petals.

Step 2: Location is important – A bright spot with indirect sunlight is perfect for it to grow.  Direct sunlight will shorten the life of the Easter Lily.

Step 3: Keep the Easter Lily a little cool if possible. Keep it distant from your heat source or vents. Ideally keep it between 60°F and 68°F.

Step 4: Water when the soil in your Easter Lily is a little dry to touch. Don’t over water your Easter Lily or let it sit in water.

Step 5: Remove the fading flowers from your Easter Lily. Prune the withering petals and that will help promote new growth!

Once your lily has survived the early/colder days of spring, it can be planted outside too! Try to plant in at least a half day of sun, if not full sun, and in New England many survive through a good portion of the summer. They will come back the following year in the summer.


If you have the chance to stop by and check them out, be sure to walk around and see some of the pansies and other early spring product.  Shopping local has never been so fun at Nunans!

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269 Central Street
Georgetown, MA 01833

Garden Center, Nursery,
Florist Shop, and Greenhouse

Monday – Saturday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM