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Pre-Spring Preparations

We’re down the homestretch of winter. The weather is beginning to warm (just a little bit) and the days are growing longer. We still have a few weeks to go before spring is fully here, but there is still plenty you can do to get your garden ready for a new season:

  • Continue to feed the birds because the natural food in and throughout your garden is scarce.
  • This month is also an ideal time to prune fruit and shade trees.
  • Continue clearing heavy snow off of evergreens as well as lace-leaf Japanese maple trees.
  • Wilt Pruf can still be applied, as long as the temperatures go above 45 degrees, to broadleaf evergreens including azaleas, rhododendrons, and holly. A cold, dry winter will do a heavy amount of damage this time of year, so it’s best to try and prenunans imagesvent it.
  • If you have ice built up on sidewalks and walkways, use a good quality, non-salt-based ice melt. Salt-based melts can leach into your gardens and lawn.
  • We have a full inventory of flower and vegetable seeds now available. It’s still
    early to start most seeds inside, but now’s the time to start thinking spring.
  • Late February is still a good time to check for indoor plant pests and disease, and if your plant is looking a little worse for wear, come see us for assistance in bringing it back to health.
  • Begin feeding your houseplants in late February to early March regularly with a houseplant fertilizer.
  • Force twigs of quince, fruit trees, dogwood, or forsythia for indoor blooming. Prune grape vines without delay!
  • If the temperature stays above freezing in late February, don’t be afraid to spray dormant oil spray on your fruit trees, roses, and other shrubs and trees.

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269 Central Street
Georgetown, MA 01833

Garden Center, Nursery,
Florist Shop, and Greenhouse

Monday – Saturday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM