Guide: Midsummer Care Guide for Annuals
The heat is on! Summer can be a wonderful time for plants, and it can also be brutal. Heatwaves can droop your favorite annuals, making them look less than perfect. It’s important for the health of your annuals to keep them well-watered and fertilized to keep them looking their best. Here are a few tips to keep your annuals full and flowering:
- Water is one of the most important parts about gardening. They need it to live, it helps transport nutrients from the soil to the roots, and it’s crucial for photosynthesis. Most plants will tell you when they aren’t receiving enough water because they’ll droop or wilt.
- With all of the weather we’ve been having, keep an eye out for signs of insects or diseases. If you think your plants have been affected, stop in with a photo or a piece of the plant (in a baggie, please!) and our expert staff will help you diagnose it.
- Deadheading is also another way to keep your plants looking healthy. Deadheading involves removing the dead flowers from the plant to allow it to create more blooms. Plants that are deadheaded will usually flush out and become fuller, while also producing more flowers.
- If we have another dry period, make sure to go heavy on watering and feeding. For annuals in the ground, fertilize with a Miracle Gro Bloom Booster or regular Miracle Gro every 7-10 days, or you can add Plant Tone or fish emulsion fertilizer around the plants for an organic solution.
- If your petunias aren’t blooming, better hit them with Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew. The budworm caterpillar is notorious for chewing the flowers off petunias this time of year.
By taking care of your annuals now, you should have flourishing color right through till frost!