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Top 5: August Gardening Tips

August is underway but the summer is far from over. There is still much to be done to make sure your garden is ready for the seasons to change. Here are our top 5 tips to keep your garden looking fresh and ready for the fall:

  1. Stop fertilizing perennials, trees, and shrubs. Let them wean off those nutrients (they’ll still get some nutrition from the ground) but continue to water them before they prepare to go dormant for the winter.
  2. Deadheading is crucial at this point. Take the dead flowers off perennials such as day lilies and remove any yellowing leaves from the drought. Note: do not dispose of any diseased leaves in your compost pile; it will just cycle the disease back through your garden.
  3. If there’s a period of no rain, keep up with your watering. Summer might be closing down, but they still need the hydration.
  4. Fall is an excellent time to plant trees, shrubs, and perennials. The weather isn’t quite so hot during the fall, so the new plantings won’t dry out so quickly. Start thinking of what you’d like to plant when the weather cools off. Remember that new plantings will still need to be watered frequently to help them establish their roots.
  5. Leave your rhododendrons and azaleas alone. Rhododendrons and azaleas are early spring flowering shrubs; they’ve already begun to set their buds for next year’s blooms, so leave them be.

Design Consultation

Need help planning a fall planting? Our landscape staff can help you in coming up with a beautiful garden design. Contact us for to schedule a consultation at (978) 352-8172!

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269 Central Street
Georgetown, MA 01833

Garden Center, Nursery,
Florist Shop, and Greenhouse

Monday – Saturday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM